Monthly Archives: December 2015

Are we ready for Christ’s reappearance?

Lord, help us to be ready for the time of Christ’s reappearance, Grant that we may so dwell in Him and let His perfect love fill our being. Make our worship a time in which we celebrate your love by showing love to the whole world. Amen!

Do you have any joy to share with the world around you?

If we are children of God, living according to His word, we are joyful. The joy of the Lord, should always be our strength. The joy of the Lord, should be so evident in our lives, that it should shine forth and embrace the lives of others. Lord, I am so thankful that I carry you in my heart always, that because you are a constant force in my life, I am joyful and I share my joy with those around me. Thank you, Lord!

Are you at peace this morning?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, today is a new day, today God through His Son Jesus Christ, has blessed us with His peace. As we continue to celebrate this glorious season of Advent, we are encouraged to be joyous, to be hopeful, to be peaceful and above all, for us to be lovely. What is preventing you from experiencing all this? Begin to sing this wonderful Carol and be happy, be joyful, be peaceful, be lovely and above all, be blessed.

Will you allow God to cast out your sins and be born in you today?

All of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God and He understand this, and that is why we are able to come to God in prayer and with meek and reverend hearts ask for and receive his forgiveness. Thank you, Lord!

What does CHRISTMAS mean to you?

For all of us CHRISTMAS should be a time when we prepare ourselves to meet our God. CHRISTMAS, should invoke in us feelings of love, joy, hope and peace. CHRISTMAS, is a time when we should give love and share with all, when we should be glad to tell the whole world that Jesus, our Savior, our Redeemer draws nigh. For me, CHRISTMAS is a time to joyously prepare myself, to adorn myself with God’s peace, to humbly make my confessions before God, to accept His forgiveness for all the wrongs I have done, and await the celebration that will come when we shall meet. Praise the Lord!

What are we doing to prepare to meet our God?

Make no mistake, we will all meet God in the day of judgment, but will you and I be able to stand before Him knowing all that we have done? We need to wash our garments white, we need to make our humble petition before God and ask Him to cleanse us from every stain of sin, then move forward with clean hands, and a pure heart, refusing to worship idols, by meditating on God’s word so that we may receive His instructions for life, and when He comes and we meet Him, what a day glorious day that will be. Help us Lord!


Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord!

“As surely as I live,’ says the Lord, every knee will bend to me, and every tongue will confess and give praise to God.” My brothers and sister in Christ, is our God a God who lies? Absolutely not! Therefore, the least we could do is to try to lead others to God; but make no mistake, every knee will bend before the Lord our maker and each one will have to give an account of himself to God. Let us therefore, try to do all things that are pleasing to God, so that, on the day of judgment we will be able to stand boldly before the Lord, our Maker.

Are you anxious, worried, or afraid this morning?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, do not be anxious, worried, or afraid. Know that the Lord your God is with you, that He will give his angels charge over you to keep you in all His ways. Rejoice, rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice! For which of us by being anxious, worried, or afraid could bring change. Let us continue on in faith believing, that with God all things are possible and that He always keeps his promises.

Are you filled with God’s love, His hope and His peace?

As we celebrate this Blessed Advent Season, we should be filled with God’s love, His hope and His peace, and we should be anxiously awaiting His coming with joy. Come, Lord Jesus!

Are you trusting solely in Jesus?

My friends, if you have not yet learned to lean on God, to depend on Him for everything, you are missing out. Since, I’ve learned to trust in Jesus, my life has taken on new meaning, all of my parched places are being refreshed, my heart is at ease, I have a spring in my step and a song always in my heart, all because I’ve learned to trust in Jesus, I’ve learned to trust in God. Will you trust Him too?
