Monthly Archives: July 2013

Reading time is valuable time

More and more people find it hard to carve out time to read, and I understand how important time is and if we don’t use it wisely we lose it. Therefore, we have to be selective about what we read asking ourselves this question: Is this adding value to my day or night? I can assure you that reading my books will add value to your day. My books are spiritually uplifting and encouraging, and we all need a little uplifting and encouraging throughout each day. Please enjoy my literature.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

May your day be filled with strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, because you faithfully trust in the Lord your God. Whatever your need or concern this morning, God is faithful, God is able, God is available to you, seek him while he may yet be found.


Let us use the gifts, talents and resources given to us by God to win souls for Christ. Seriously consider how you will use your time, talent and treasures to bring honor and glory to God’s name today.

Book response from Barbara – thanks

I am reading your book that my friend gave me last June and I am so cherishing it and your beautiful words…I pray to have a faith like yours!

Barbara, our faith is built on our trials and our pains, it is strengthened through reading and meditating on God’s word, it is bolstered by our total dependency on God, it is encouraged by the testimonies we share, and it is rewarded by God, the Rewarder of the Faithful. Praise the Lord! Keep the faith and I will keep you in my prayers.  Jewel.

Do you make prayer and integral part of your day?

Make it a habit to begin and end each day with prayer, for prayer changes everything for those  who believe.


I saw this bumper sticker the other day which said: “I found Jesus. He was behind the sofa all the time.” We don’t need to find Jesus for he is not lost, he is just waiting for us to accept him.
