Monthly Archives: June 2015

How long have you been waiting on the Lord?

It may seem to you like God has forgotten you, like you have been waiting forever for him to answer your prayer. But, many times, God answers our prayers, but it goes unnoticed, because he did not answer in the way we hoped he would. But understand this, your thoughts and mine are not the same as God’s, our ways are not the same as his. God may have answered your prayer, look around you and within you, as you may have asked God to give you a house, but God gave you an apartment. God will only give us what is good for us, and when we are able to handle correctly what he gives to us, and how we handle what we receive will determine how much more God will give to us.(An excerpt from my book PFEL). Praise the Lord!

Are you where God predestined you to be?

Because you were born here, because you grew up here, because your friends are here, does not mean that you have to be here. Come out from among them and go where God predestined for you. Many time we allow ourselves to become stagnant by staying in one place for too long. It’s time to get your feet moving, to go where you were meant to be,  to go where you are needed and to do much good in this world.



What have you been facing that you thought would break you?

Yes, many times our struggles seem too much to bear, but when we have faced another day and realize that we made it through, that we are still here, we know that it was not we of ourselves, but through the Lord’s mercy we made it, we are still here. Thank you, Lord!


Is there anything that you could do in your own strength?

There is nothing that we could do or accomplish in our own strength. All things come from God, he ordains, he blesses, and he enriches, therefore, we should give him all the glory and praise, we should acknowledge his awesome greatness, for all that is in heaven and in earth are His, and he is exalted as head over all. Praise the Lord!




How confident are you that the Lord is your shepherd?

I don’t know about you, but I could speak for myself. The Lord is  my keeper, the Lord is my shade upon thy right hand, the sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon my night, the Lord shall preserve me from all evil, he shall preserve my soul, the Lord shall preserve my going out and my coming in from this time forth and even forever more. The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want.

Are you able to rejoice and be glad in this new day that the Lord has given us?

Lord, so many are bogged down with the cares of this life, they are under so much stress because of the changing scenes around them, they have lost hope because they don’t know how to turn to you in times of trouble, instead they allow the troubles to overwhelm them. But Lord, you remind us in your word, that if our strength fails in the day of adversity our faith is weak. Lord, give us a faith that will not shrink, thought press by many a foe; that will not tremble on the brink of any earthly woe. Amen!


How could I ever turn back to the fetters that bound me, after Jesus spoke peace to my soul?

There is no greater joy than to know that you were bound and in chains and have been set free. My Heavenly Father set me free, he spoke peace to my soul, and made my heart perfectly whole, so, I will never turn back to the fetters that once bound me. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed! Praise the Lord!


Have you been cowardly using your tongue as a weapon against your brother or sister?

Many times we cowardly use our tongues as weapons against each other. Instead of confronting a brother or sister we spread gossip, we slander and backbite each other. Lord, silence these tongues, make them clean Lord, that from our tongues and lips will flow forth nothing but blessings on each other and praise to you only. Amen!


Will you allow God to be the Pilot of your soul?

In this ocean called life we need a Pilot for our souls. When we are tossed on the waves of the deep chasms of life, if God is our Pilot he will be strong at the helm, and if in His love we abide, and in His promise confide, the wild waters will never overwhelm us. Praise the Lord!


Why do we allow the desires of our hearts to control us and cause us to sin?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, the heart is deceptive. We must learn to listen to God and not our own hearts. For many times, the desires of our hearts are so strong that it drowns out the voice of God, causing us to lean to our own understanding, which could so easily mislead us. Therefore, I urge you to make your requests known to God, for he is the giver of every good and perfect gift, and he is our God who always keeps his promises and will give us our fruits in due season. Keep the faith!

