Monthly Archives: November 2015

Are you willing to go about doing the Lord’s work?

God has already equipped all of us for His good works. All we need to do is to go where He sends us, and to do what He asks of us. By His grace He has given us gifts through the working of His power, and the gifts that He gives to us we should use them to bring honor and glory to His name. Let us all strive to do what we can, when we can all for the glory of God!

Do you believe that God has already blessed you with all that you will need to abound in good works?

Yes, He has! God will never call us to a task that he has not equipped us for. God knows what we are capable of, and when he asks us to carry out His work, know that His plan for us is not to fail but to abound in good works which will be pleasing in His sight.

Do you ever get tired of doing what is good?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, we will only get tired of doing anything if it’s not done from the heart. We should never get tired of doing what is good. We should do all things as unto the Lord. Whatever our hands finds to do, we should do willingly and to the best of our abilities, for the work that we do for the Lord will never be in vain, it will be rewarded, therefore, we should never put our hands to the plough and turn back, we should never do anything half-heartedly, but should do all things to the glory of the Lord.

How much longer will you continue to sow trouble and reap it?

For too long we have allowed our evil, deceptive hearts to rob us of God’s goodness. We have allowed the desires of our hearts to lead us away from God and his will for us. It’s time for change, it’s time to seek the Lord. If we continue to depend on our own strength we will fail. Let us therefore trust God to lead us in all goodness, and to sow for ourselves righteousness and reap the fruits of God’s unfailing love.

Celebrating 12 Years in the service of the Lord today.

Today begins a new year in my walk with God, and I am so thankful to God for leading and guiding me these past 12 years in His way and for lifting me up when I fall. Lord, you are good, you have been faithful to me and I have no other choice but to be faithful to you. You have brought me too far for me to turn back now. So lead me, guide me, along the way, Lord, if you lead me I cannot stray, Lord, let me walk each day with you, lead me, Oh Lord, lead me. Amen!

Are you proud of heart; and have you forgotten God? There are consequence of forgetting God.

For you have forgotten the God of your salvation and have not remembered the Rock that is your strength. Therefore, even though you plant delightful plants, sowing them with imported vine-seedlings, the land will be a desolation. In the day that you plant it, you carefully fence it in, they may sprout on the day you set them out; yes, they may blossom on the very morning you plant them, but you will never pick any grapes from them. Your only harvest will be a load of grief and unrelieved pain. Isaiah 17:10-11

Do you believe that the Lord prospers you for your own purpose? Absolutely not!

God blesses us abundantly so that He could establish His covenant which He promised to our forefathers. When He blesses us, it is for His own purpose. All that we have is a gift from God to use for His purpose. Nothing that we have accomplished is for ourselves, but to be used to bring God honor and glory. If you forget that the hand of the Lord has done a great thing for you, and you become prideful and begin to serve other gods, then you shall surely perish. Beware, that you do not forget the Lord your God, by not keeping His commandments, His statues, and His judgments which He command you, to walk in His ways and to fear Him, all the days of your life. Praise the Lord!

Have you ever been in the wilderness with only God for your guide?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, your walk in the wilderness will be different from mine, but if you persevere, if you do not loose heart, if you diligently obey the Lord, the end result will be the same. You will come out of the wilderness with a love for God so strong, that you will want to only do what He commands, that you will fear Him, to believe in Him as the one true God, who works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform. Allow God to lead you in the wilderness that He might test you, to do good to you in the end. Praise the Lord!

When the strong tides lift and the cables strain, will your anchor drift or firm remain?

How well are you secured by the Savior’s hand?  Only you and I know where we are in our walk with God. Only we know what we face each day and even though the tempest rave and the wild winds blow, and the troubles and trials threaten to overflow, we shall ride them out, we will survive, because we are anchored in Christ the Solid Rock alone.

How grateful are you to God for delivering you?

I don’t know about you, but I am truly grateful. I cannot praise God enough for His mercy, His compassion and His grace towards me. Lord I adore Thee, I am fully trusting in Thee, and forever will I praise Thee and daily draw closer to Thee. Thank you, Lord!
