Monthly Archives: May 2016


May today and every day of your life give you fresh hope for tomorrow, because hope gives all of us a reason for trying, may each day bring you a feeling of joy, expect the best today and you will get it, may you find peace and happiness and may you find joy and pleasure in the simple things, because those will always be there, laugh a lot, remember the good times and forget the sorrowful ones, for good times reminds you of how special your life has been, may you always feel secured and loved and remember, you are the very best. I love you and I wish you a very Happy Birthday and many more to come and may you continue to always walk in God’s way.
I love you, Mother!

How do I celebrate my Birthday?

I begin the day with praise and thanksgiving to God and I pledge to rejoice and be glad in it from beginning to end. I then speak with my daughter and my mom then enjoy a healthy breakfast. I love cards and I just want to open and read all of my cards and be thankful. Then, all through the day, I just want to hear well wishes from my family and friends. I will have a celebratory lunch and dinner. Then, I will finish the day like it began, with praise and thanksgiving to God. Thank you, Lord, for another day of living. You did not have to give this to me, but you did and I am truly grateful.


Are you still walking by faith, or are you walking by sight?

Lord, give us a faith that will not shrink, though pressed by many a foe. Lord, give us a faith that will not waver on the brink of any earthly woe. Lord, instill in us the hope to believe in you for those things that we cannot see. Lord, you promised, that the just shall live by faith and we believe that our faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen and we are confident that you will supply. Thank you, Lord!

Will you tell your story so that those who do not know of God’s goodness and mercy could come to know him?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, all us of who are believers have a story, a story worth telling. All of us who believe know His story, the old, old story. So why are we not telling it out to all who will hear? Why are we still ashamed of our story, ashamed of the Gospel of Christ? Unless we tell our story or share the old, old story, of Jesus and His love, many more will be lost. What is your position this morning? Will you be an advocate for Christ, or will you be ashamed of Him and His story? Know that if you are ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of you.

Happy Mother’s Day!


Lord, what do we have that we own? Nothing!

All that we have received are gifts from you. Thank you Lord, for your goodness and mercy towards us. Lord, we open our hands and you fill them with good things. Help us Lord, not to close our hands and our hearts to those who are in need, but learn to give of your own that you have given us to use for your honor and glory. “O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His loving-kindness is everlasting.”

How thankful are you this morning for God’s love and his new mercies?

Lord, I am full of thanks and praise to you this morning, for all that you do and continue to do for me. Lord, fill every part of me with praise, let my day be filled with new thoughts of you and new hopes of heaven, give me room Oh Lord, to deny myself, so that I will be closer drawn to you. Lord, each day, new perils will face me but your love will cover me. Help me dear Lord, to commit this day to you and to working towards walking closer with you each and every day. Amen!

Have God’s judgments been manifested in your life?

The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. The Lord surrounds his people with favor as with a shield.  My brothers and sisters in Christ, you are God’s people, you are the ones he chose to bless. When he blesses us, we should fear him, we should fall and worship him, because what he has done for us, no one else was willing or able to do. We have seen God’s good judgments manifested in our lives and we have so much to thank him for. Thank you, Lord!

How many more reasons do we need to give God praise?

The Lord has given us so many reasons to praise him, and yet, he continually showers us with his mercy and grace. “Praise your God O Zion, for he has strengthened the bars of your gates, he has blessed your children within you, he makes peace in your borders and fills you with the finest wheat. Therefore, praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights, praise him all his angels, praise him all his hosts, praise him sun and moon. Let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone is exalted. Let everything that hath breath, praise the Lord!”


With what shall we come to the Lord and bow before him?

Lord, we count ourselves as nothing before you, therefore, we will worship you, we will bow down to you and we will kneel before you O Lord, our Maker. For you O Lord are a great king and a great king above all Gods. We will exalt you and worship at your holy mountain, for you Lord God are holy, you are worthy of all our praise.
