Know that our God is a God of the hills, but he is more a God of the valley. Have faith, be strong in the Lord.

Where are you this morning? Are you on the hill or in the valley? Who has convinced you that the Lord is the God of the hills and not the God of the valley you find yourself in? Wherever you are this morning, whether on the hilltop or down in the valley, know who is your God, and who is in control. Many times God allows us to see the world from the hilltop, and it’s all good, but when we are down in the valley, we feel all alone, we are convinced that God has forgotten us, but be still and know who your God is. The same God who showed you goodness from the hilltop, will bring you out of the valley. If you find yourself in the valley this morning, you are in a good place, it may seem hard, but you are in good place. When we are in the valley, its times to focus on the goodness of the Lord, think of all that he revealed to you when you were on the hilltop, and you remind yourself, that if God was able to show you vast and beautiful things, that he will do it again. My brothers and sisters in Christ, the valley is your place of new beginnings, your valley is a place of recognition, your valley is a place of solace, your valley is a place of turmoil, and your valley is a place of humility, a place where we all must enter as some point in our lives, most times unwillingly. If God brought you deep down in the valley this morning, know that our God is a God of the hills, but he is more a God of the valley. Have faith, be strong in the Lord, learn as much as you can when you are in the valley, because valley experiences are valuable reminders of where we have been, and keeps us steadfast on the path we are traveling. Thank you Lord this morning for my hills and my valleys.

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