Lord, I lift up to you all those whom you have called and they have accepted you as Lord and Master of their lives, to follow you faithfully, and by their life of prayer and worship, and service to you, lead others into your service. All this I ask in Jesus name. Amen!

Dear Lord, I ask you to be with us, that you lead us, and guide us, as we light lamps that others may be able to see. Lord, many of us as Christians are walking with lamps that are not trimmed and burning, our way is dark, and therefore we allow others to stumble. We are not diligent in prayer and worship, we fail to give you the glory in the face of others, because of shame or fear, we don’t step out in faith as we ought to, we are worried throughout the day and fearful of tomorrow, we are burdened by presumptuous sins, we carry on in ways that are not acceptable in your sight, we think thoughts that are not lovely towards our neighbors. Lord, I pray this morning, that you will break every yoke, loosen every chain, banish every veil under which we hide and are burdened, and set us free oh God, from anything, which will prevent us from walking uprightly, that will keep others from seeing by our lighted lamps, all of the good things that you have in store for all those who love you, and are obedient to your calling. Give us courage to pursue, and the grace to accomplish the work you have set before us, that will bring honor and glory to your name. Accept these our prayers O Father, for Your Son Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen!

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