Lord, please show us where and how reach out this day to those in need, and in whichever small way that we could help, enable us to do it willingly. All this I ask in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Lord, there are so many this morning without work, without food to feed their families, so many who are disoriented, they don’t know if they are coming or going, they are blinded and confounded by lack. Lord, it is not your will for your children to perish, it is not your will for your children to suffer lack, we know that you are a God who provides, and we know that you do not always come, but you send help. May all those who cry out to you recognize this and put aside pride and hypocrisy and allow others to help them. Lord, you spread good tables before us, but many are still hungry, because they refuse to sit down and eat, the table may not be spread like in a banquet hall, but when you provide for us Lord, no matter the source, humble us so that we may partake of your provision. Lord, not my will but thine be done. Amen!

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