What is it that is making you unhappy this morning?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, if we have Jesus, we should be happy, cheerful people. There are so many things or people, that could make us unhappy, but, we have to choose to be happy no matter what. The enemy’s goal is to rob us of our peace, he wants us to be unhappy, and that is why many times he does not only allow the situations in our lives to break us, he works on us to allow the situations to cause us to sin and we let him. But, we must be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might, we must learn to understand the workings around us, we must develop a strong sense of God’s purpose in our lives, so that when the situations in our lives threaten to rob us of our peace, we should remind ourselves, that the situation did not come to stay that it came to pass and that God’s peace in your life and mine will sustain us, and therefore, we will go through every struggle, every heart ache, and every worry with a song in our hearts and much praise for God.

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