Monthly Archives: March 2016

Is anger holding you captive? Do you want to be free? Let us pray!

Lift up the light of Your countenance upon us, O Lord! Bless us with Your peace, because for too long, we have allowed the anger within us to lead us away from the righteousness that You desire, we have been fools who allow the anger to rest in our bosoms, we have allowed the anger to so control us, that we no longer know how to be happy, teach us how to defer our anger and to overlook wrongs. Lord, help us not to be hasty in our spirit, but, to be swift to hear and slow to speak, to cease from anger and forsake wrath, to let us not seek to avenge ourselves, but learn to search our hearts and be silent. All this we ask in the powerful name of Jesus. Amen!

Have you ever been in a situation where you were tempted and you gave in?

All of us are guilty of this. But, after we have indulged in the temptation, we feel sick, we feel disgusted with ourselves; and we ponder why we did not take the way of escape when it was so clear to us. My brothers and sisters in Christ, we are human, and God understands our frailty, he understands that we would be tested, that we would be angry, for he himself was angry and tested, yet he did not give in. God’s promise to us, is that he will always be our comforter and that he will always provide a way out for us, but we have to trust him, to believe, that he is able to do what he says he will do. Thank you, Lord, for the many times that you have provided a way out for me; and forgive me, for the many times I took the other way. It has brought me nothing but shame and disappointment. Give me strength Lord, in times of adversity and temptation. Amen!

Have you been on a fast for God by feasting on the good he requires of you?

Too many of us claim to love God but continue to do what is wrong. We are judgmental, we are unkind, we are impatient, we are angry, we gossip too much, we find it hard to forgive one another, we are not content, we worry too much because we lack faith in God; and we are not diligent in prayer and worship. God requires us to do good and to shun evil. It’s never too late to begin. Ask, seek and knock and God will grant you all that you need to bring you closer to him.

Why should we give the Lord, all the glory and praise?

Yes, our God is merciful! Gracious is the Lord and righteous! The Lord preserves the simple and for those who are bowed down he lifts up. When we called upon the name of the Lord, he inclined his ear towards us and saved us. The Lord has been mindful of us; he will bless those who fear him, those who worship him in spirit and in truth. Oh, worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness; let the whole earth tremble before him, for our God is a great God! Give him all the glory and praise!

How strong is your faith in God when you go through adversity?

Many of us are quick to praise God when he blesses us with good things, but, when we are faced with adversity, we are quick to criticize and question him. But scripture reminds us to accept the good as well as the bad. There is something to be learned from every adversity we go through, therefore, if we persevere, if we do not lose heart, if we continue to trust God in all things, he will work it all out for our good.

Are you facing a situation this morning that threatens to overwhelm you?

Understand that this battle is not yours, but the Lord’s and if we place our battles in his hands, he will fight them for us, for there is no problem, situation or circumstance greater than God, so put your confidence in God and he will surely bring you through every situation, circumstance or problem that you are facing today. Believe that God will work everything out for your good.

What did you learn from your time spent in the wilderness?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, all that we have been through and are going through is a test, it is God’s way to humble us, to test us, to see whether we would serve him and to do good in the end. But, many of us learn nothing, we come through the wilderness prideful, we continue to do wrong things, but, we need to understand this, that as a man chastens his son, so will God chasten us, who forget his goodness, who are not humbled enough to serve him, and no good will come to us in the end. Let us therefore, turn away from our selfish ways, return to the Lord, and live!

What shall I render unto the Lord, for all his benefits toward me?

Lord, I will recommit my life to you and pray for your forgiveness. I will take the cup of salvation, and call upon your name; for thou hast delivered my soul from death, mine eyes from tears, and my feet from falling. I will walk before you O Lord in the land of the living. I was brought low, and you helped me, you have dealt bountifully with me, therefore my soul shall rest in thee. Please forgive me dear Lord, and grant me a fresh start. Amen!

Are you ashamed to tell the world that Jesus saved you and that he could save them too?

We should never be ashamed to tell our story, of how Jesus saved us from the deadly power of sin. If we never tell our story, how will others know, that the blood of Jesus, made us white as snow? Lord, I am telling the whole wide world, that you guided my footsteps in the right, and moved me out of darkness and into light. Thank you, Lord!


God has forgiven you, why have you not forgiven yourself?

Are you guilty of your sins, or more your unfaithfulness to God? My brothers and sisters in Christ, know that God is merciful and just as he has forgiven you, he would love for you to forgive yourselves; because it is in forgiveness that we find liberty, it is in forgiveness that we gain the victory over sin and when we are free from the burden of sin, we could turn our focus on God and faithfully trust him for everything.

