Teach me Lord, to always wait upon you, because you are an on-time God.

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles. Lord, this morning, I am thanking you for answered prayers. For twelve years, I have been waiting on you to answer my prayer and you answered this prayer. For those of you who have been praying with me, thank you. This week, my faith wavered for a moment and I had to pull myself together and I said God I know that when our faith is wavering that you are working, that we are close to a break through and this morning Lord, you have given me another reason to believe in you, to be confident in you, because just like that woman with that issue of blood for twelve years in one day you made her whole. I feel this morning that my twelve year wait was just a minute, I feel like I could fly like an eagle this morning and I owe it all to God. Lord, just carry me through each second, minute and hour of every day, believing in you, giving you thanks and praise. #PCE– Prayer Changes Everything!

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