Be sure to tell someone today what God has done for you.

We read in Luke chapter 8, that when Jesus drove out the demons from the man called Legion, he was so thankful, he just wanted to stay with Jesus, but he sent him away, saying, “ Return to your own house and  tell what great things God has done for you.” So too, when God does good things for us, he wants us to be thankful, but he wants more for us to tell others what he has done for us, so that they too would want to taste and see for themselves the goodness of the Lord, to understand, that if God could do great things for you, he could do it for them, so that they too could give him the glory. My brothers and sisters in Christ, every second, minute, and hour of each day, God continues to do great things for us. How grateful are you for the storm he just brought you through? He did not have to do it, but he did. Praise the Lord!

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