My brothers and sisters in Christ, know that you are always in my thoughts and in my prayers, and I just want to say thank you, for the blessing you are in my life.

Today, I will dedicate this day in prayer to my family and friends and for and the rest of the world. I am confident, that God will hear and answer my prayer for all of your burdens to be lifted, sickness and disease to be healed, strength to be renewed to the failing, those who are downtrodden to be lifted up, those who are in need to be provided for and for those who are bound in captivity, today is your freedom day. Take a stand for God, be bold enough to say with me this day, that this too shall pass. Sickness and disease, want and need, oppression and captivity, no more; because the God we serve is able to deliver us from any and all affliction, if only we believe and trust him. Oh glory be to God!


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