Easter Message – He is Risen! The Lord is risen indeed!

Is this a story you are ashamed to tell? The Lord is risen indeed! For many of us, Easter is a time of great rejoicing, because we are celebrating the risen and ascended Lord. This same Jesus, who died on the cross so that we could claim salvation, is risen. Death could not hold him, the tomb could not restrain him, He arose, Alleluia Christ arose. So then, why are you not spreading the good news? Why are you not gloriously arrayed like the lilies? Have you no recollection of what Jesus has done; the shame, the agony, the reproach that he bore for our sake? My brothers and sisters in Christ, let us spread the good news of Easter, let us share the meaning of Easter to those who do not know. Let us explain to our children why we celebrate Easter. During the 40-day period of Lent in preparation for Easter, many of us fasted in one way or the other, but the mission was the same. We all were in need of a spiritual cleansing; we repented of our sins, we asked God to help us in our weaknesses, to turn us away from evil, to free us from pride and anxiety, gossip, wrangling, backbiting, covetousness, evil clamor and so much more. But, will we now revert to our old ways? My brothers and sisters in Christ, we must never put our hands to the plough and turn back. There is nothing in our past lives that could be more enticing that the plans God has before us. Old things are passed away and you are born again. Walk in the newness of life. Keep the cross of Christ always before you to lead you and to guide in his way.


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