God is good all the time, all the time God is good. Praise the Lord for this goodness!

Oh, that men would praise the Lord for his goodness! God is good to us all the time, he gives us more than we could ever earn or deserve, he looks down on us, he hears us when we pray, he heals us when we are sick, he provides for our every need; Oh that men would praise the Lord! This morning Lord, we are praising you even though our way seems dark, we are praising you even though we are in the valley, we are praising you even though we are going through the storms, because we are confident that you are with us, that you will not leave us alone, so therefore, we give you thanks and praise, because you promised that you will walk with us through all of our valleys and dark hills, through troubled waters and desert places, and you are a God you cannot lie. You are good to us all time, all the time you are good! Thank you, Lord!

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