“Have you had a kindness shown, pass it on, it was not given for thee alone, pass it on, let it travel down the years, let it wipe another’s tears, ‘till in heaven the deed appears pass it on.” What will you pass on today?

All around us we are faced with opportunities to show kindness. Sometimes we could help by just sharing a loving word, or a smile. Yesterday, I was moved with compassion for this young black man who came on the train, a packed train, and just like Bartimaeus, he shouted out his name without shame, and he said, “I am down on my luck, could someone please help me with a dollar or two? My brothers and sisters in Christ, we are all one step away from that young man without steady employment, let us learn to pass it on. “Like the singing of a bird, pass it on, let it cheer another’s woe, you have reaped what others sow, pass it on. If you found the heavenly light, pass is on, souls are groping in the night, pass it on, hold thy lighted lamp up high, be a star in someone’s sky, be not selfish in your greed, look upon another’s need, if you live for self, you live in vain, live for Christ and you will gain.” Pass on a random act of kindness today and be blessed.

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