How spiritually healthy are you? If you do not have an answer well maybe it’s time for a wellness check.

Many of us at different periods in the year, stop and take a good look at ourselves, to really determine how spiritually healthy we are. This season of Lent is a wonderful opportunity, for us to reflect on how much we have grown in our walk with God. It’s a time when we could really be honest with ourselves, to know if we are still in love with God, as when we first got saved. This is a great yard stick, as we should always aspire to be on fire for God, doing those things that please him. Every day, we have opportunities to grow in our walk with God, but too many of us got saved, and stayed save. We are afraid to venture out of our comfort zones, fearing the challenges that may be experienced, but my brothers and sisters in Christ, if we are not challenged as Christians, we will not grow in our faith. May God grant each one of us the courage we need, to grow in our daily walk with him.

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