Lord, when I think of all that you have done for me, when I think of your goodness towards me, I am overwhelmed; and Lord, when I feel this way, please, always lead me to the Rock that is higher and greater than I.

No one else, no one else, could have made this ultimate sacrifice for the atonement of all the wrongs I have done. Let me always be mindful of the cross, of Calvary, and of your awesome love, mercy, and forgiveness. Thank you, Lord! They mocked you, they scorned you, the spat upon you, they divided your clothing and cast lots for them, then they disowned you; they said, we have no King but Caesar, then they delivered you to be crucified. “And He bearing His cross went out to Golgatha where they crucified Him. They pierced His hands and His feet and nailed Him to a cross. What love! What Amazing Love! “Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, or thorns compose so rich a crown? No!

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