Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where then, did these weeds come from? He answered, ‘An enemy has done this.’ Matthew chapter 13.

How many of us are sowing good seeds in God’s field? How many of us allow others to sow bad seeds in our field of life? We all know the parable of the weeds in the field, and how the weeds were allowed to grow with the tares. So too, we could be compared to weeds growing among the tares; for too many of us allow the tares to crowd our spaces and take over. Some of us are still trying to figure out where and how the tares entered our lives. They are our best friends, they are our brothers and sisters, they are those friends who are leading our children astray, and it’s the company we keep that is a bad influence. But, how long will be our time of sowing? Is it not our time to harvest? My brothers and sister in Christ, it’s our time of reaping, it’s time to gather into our barns the wheat and destroy the tares, the tares which have been choking us for too long, it’s time to take back what the enemy stole from us. Let us go out therefore, and sow good seeds in God’s vineyard, so that we will reap a bountiful harvest. Praise the Lord!

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