Oh, give thanks unto the Lord, make known his deeds among the peoples, sings praises and psalms to him, talk of his wondrous works. 1 Chronicles 16:8, 9

Somebody somewhere this morning, is happy to tell out their soul the greatness of the Lord for what he has done. What wonderful thing has God done recently in your life? Are you excited about it? Do you want to tell the whole world about it? You may have just received the greatest gift, the gift of salvation and you want the whole world to know, it’s ok, I too, wanted to tell the whole world about it, and I still am. You may be feeling a little bit uncomfortable, I was too. I was at first hesitant to tell others about the blessed gift I received, but we should not be, for when the Lord delivers you, it’s something to shout about, it’s something to share with the whole world. Many will judge you because they think they know where you came from, and where you have been, but what they don’t know is that before you were born, God knew you, he predestined you, he knew where you were going, and the path you would take to get there, so when you are challenged, you just tell them that they just happened to meet you along the path God chose for you to get where you are today, and now you have left them behind. Praise the Lord.

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