Do not put your trust in princes, nor in a son of man in whom there is no help. His spirit departs, he returns to the earth, in that very day his plans perish. But, happy is he who has the God of Jacob for his help. Psalm 146: 3-4

Too many times we have been disappointed because of one promise or the other that was made to us by our friends, family, or loved ones did not happen. We get angry or upset and that relationship sometimes is broken for life. But, is this the right attitude for us to have? No! Because Psalm 146 reminds us, that we should not put our trust in man who will fail us, but that happy is the man who has the God of Jacob for his help. My brothers and sisters in Christ, our God is not a God who will lie, for whatever promise he makes to us, will come to pass at the appointed time. Therefore, do not take it to heart when our earthly friends fail us, or when they change with the changing years, but, trust in God, whose promises are for life. He who trusts in the Lord, will never be disappointed.

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