“Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth, here I stand to do Thy will, every sin I have forsaken, come, and whisper through the still. What is life without Thy presence, rest without Thy gentle word? What is prayer without Thy Spirit, which within the heart could stir?”

“Master, speak! Thy servant heareth, waiting for Thy gracious word, longing for Thy voice that cheereth; Master! let it now be heard., I am listening, Lord, for Thee, what hast Thou to say to me? Speak to me by name, O Master, let me know it is to me; Speak, that I may follow faster, with a step more firm and free, where the Shepherd leads the flock, in the shadow of the rock. Master, Speak! Though least and lowest, let me not unheard depart; Master, Speak! For O, Thou knowest, all the yearnings of my heart, knowest all its truest need: Speak! and make me blest indeed, Master, Speak! and make me ready, when Thy voice is truly heard, with obedience glad and steady, still to follow every word, I am listening, Lord, for Thee: Master, speak! O, speak to me!” Speak Lord, and make me listen!

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