Today, I am praying and my mind keeps wandering, please clear my mind oh God, to stay focused on you. When you are praying and your mind is wandering, ask God to forgive you and to keep you focused. (PFEL)

Heavenly Father, my mind is wandering when it should be fixed on you. I am not focused as I should be, I have not been diligent in prayer as I should. I have not been meditating on your word as I should, forgive me dear Lord. I do not want anything or anyone to come before you, so clear my mind oh God, to refocus my thoughts on you, to do the things you need me to do. If I have put anything or anyone before you, forgive me dear Lord. I want to fix my mind on heavenly things, I want to think your thoughts, I want to be an example for others, and I want my words to be gentle and kind. If I have sinned in thought, word, or deed, if I have been kind to anyone, forgive me dear Lord.

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