Your word oh Lord, is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path; let me meditate on it day and night.

Lord, many of us have gone astray because we followed the wrong shepherd, we bonded with the wrong flock, our ears heard deceitful things, and because we were walking in darkness we were unable to discern good from evil. But we give you thanks and praise dear Lord, for your word that has become a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path, that we meditate on it day and night, so that we will fear your name, so that we will follow you the good shepherd, and do only what is good and right in your sight. Lord, our afflictions open our eyes to our dependency of you, when we are afflicted we have no other help but you, and this morning, we recognize how much we need you, so you have our undivided attention, so we will be still in our presence and wait for you to act.

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