Are you trying to hide from God’s purpose for your life? I will share my personal testimony with you.

Oh, we could run, but we cannot hide. I have always been a church-girl. I was christened, confirmed and saved in the Anglican church, but for many years before I was saved, I was still walking in my own willful way, so when God called me into his service, this was my thinking, “Why me, what could God want from me who was broken, battered and bruised?” My brothers and sisters in Christ, God did not save me first then call me into his service, he started to use me then saved me. My first assignment from God that I was truly knowledgeable about was in a dream that kept recurring night after night, to begin a prayer and healing group. I remember talking to my mother about this and I told her that I could not understand why God was asking me to begin a prayer group when I was not even saved and moreover, I could not even pray. But my mother said to me, “If God is calling you to do something, don’t you think he will equipped you? Who are you to say no? Step out in faith!” And I did, and the more I prayed the more I realized that I truly had a gift from God that I could no longer hide away or run away from, and the words of my grandmother kept ringing in my ears, “ You on a long rope, but when God ready for you he will jolt you back.” And she was correct! My brothers and sisters in Christ, I cannot tell you enough, that, “Prayer changes everything, that prayer has changed everything in my life.”  Many times when I read a prayer from my book, “Prayers for Everyday Living” I am still amazed, that, at that early period of walking with God and getting to know God intimately, those prayers were created. Every one of the prayers in that book was the result of a real life event, those were the same prayers that helped me through difficult and sometimes happy times and I am now convinced, that God’s gifts and his calls are irrevocable and that God always works all things together for the good of those who love Him, who are called according to His purpose. Thank you Lord! Use me Lord in your service! I am ready and I know you will make me able to use the gifts you have given me.

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