What is your situation this morning that is causing you to call out to God?

My brothers and sisters in Christ, anything that brings us to our knees in prayer and to call out to God is good for us. Lord, continue to provide situations before us that would keep us on our knees. Because, we have heard it said before, that, he who kneels in prayer could stand up to anything. Amen! It may seem like you have been crying out to God and that he has turned a deaf ear to your cries; but, know that the God you serve, neither slumbers nor sleeps, that, when you put on your pajamas at night, God puts on his running shoes, because he has to stay ahead of you and everything that you and I will face. My brothers and sisters in Christ, hold on! Because, the hotter the battle the sweeter the victory will be, but you will never taste the victory if you give up and give in, you will never see the blessing of the Lord, if you doubt him, just know that your situation may seem to have been going on for a long time, but also know that a thousand years in your sight, is like a day to our God when it’s past. Your situation did not come to stay, it came to pass! Praise the Lord!


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