I called to check on a friend, and during our conversation he said to me, Jewel, I am hoping that all of us would use this time to examine our lives, and whatever we have been doing that is not right to change. He said to me, he is now all about change, because he do not want to leave behind an unfinished task; and he further surprised me, when he began to sing this old song, “I don’t want to leave behind an unfinished task”, and I thought I would share it.

Oh, you have run the race, you have kept the faith, these words I long to hear my Savior say, and when my life on earth is past, there’s just one thing dear Lord I ask, don’t let me leave behind an unfinished task.

If I carry the gospel to the lost, near and far, I won’t stand empty handed at God’s judgement bar, but I dare not relax until I’ve done all he asks, lest I should leave behind, an unfinished task.

If I have wronged a brother, If I have wounded a friend, give me strength Precious Savior to make amends, and when I come to change my worlds, and reach glory at last, then I won’t leave behind an unfinished task.

When I come to the crossing I’ll be leaving behind, all my earthly possessions, but this I won’t mind. It would make my heart glad, when I leave all I’ve had, If I don’t leave behind an unfinished task.

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