If God so loves us, that He died for us so that through Him we might live, why then are we not loving Him back by following his commandments?

We could liken God’s commandments to a parent warning a child not to run out into the road because of what will happen, but yet the child still runs out into the road. God instructed us in that we should not steal, lie, covet, kill, envy, and so much more, but yet, we do it anyway. When Christ died for us, His will was not for us to walk contrary to His ways, by being carnal minded, for to be carnal minded is death, but to be Spiritually minded, is life and peace; because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God nor indeed can be, so then, those who are in the flesh cannot please God, but, if the Spirit of God dwells in you your body is dead to sin. The commandments of God are holy, just and good, let us strive to walk in them so that we will live and not die.

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